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Arthritis is a debilitating condition that affects the joints and can cause excruciating pain. Knee braces can help patients with arthritis by providing support and reducing the pain. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of wearing knee braces and answer some common questions related to it.

  1. Functions of Knee Braces
  2. Recommended Hours of Wearing Knee Braces for Arthritis
  3. Types of Knee Braces Recommended for Arthritis
  4. Number of Hours a Day to Wear Knee Braces
  5. Tips for Wearing Knee Braces

Functions of Knee Braces

Knee braces are used to support the knee joint and the muscles and ligaments surrounding it. They can be helpful in cases of arthritis, degenerative joint diseases, and injuries. Knee braces fit snugly around the knee area, offering support to the joint, meniscus, muscles, and ligaments.

Recommended Hours of Wearing Knee Braces for Arthritis

The recommended hours of wearing a knee brace for arthritis patients depend on the severity of the condition or injury and are established by the physician. For instance, for arthritis or arthrosis, the brace should be worn for no more than 14 hours per day.

Types of Knee Braces Recommended for Arthritis

Hinged knee braces are primarily used in advanced cases of arthritis. Such braces are effective for relieving severe pain and inflammation. They have an opening in the area of the knee and are fitted with metal plates on the sides.

Number of Hours a Day to Wear Knee Braces

Knee braces can be worn throughout the day, but it is advisable to take them off for 30 minutes every 3 hours and before going to bed.

Tips for Wearing Knee Braces

  • Consult with your physician before selecting a knee brace for arthritis and follow their recommendations.
  • Choose a knee brace that fits snugly and comfortably around your knee.
  • Avoid wearing knee braces that are too tight, as this may impede blood circulation.
  • If you experience any discomfort or pain while wearing a knee brace, remove it immediately.
  • Practice knee exercises and physical therapy to improve joint flexibility and strength.

In conclusion, knee braces can be beneficial for arthritis patients by providing support and reducing pain. However, it is essential to consult with a physician and select the correct type and fit for maximum effectiveness and safety. Incorporating knee exercises and physical therapy can further improve knee joint health and alleviate arthritis symptoms.

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